Happy New Year Newgrounds! It's really been another fantastic year for me.
In summary, I made 4 games, 10 real tracks, a couple websites, and one amazing trip to celebrate Pico party. I've gained a lot of knowledge and made a lot of awesome friends. Thank you so much, everyone, for being so supportive and kind!
I wrote a huge post on my website about everything I did this year. Check it out; it's color-coded and organized!
>> Everything I did in 2013 <<
I hope 2014 is another fantastic year!
See you there! - Zanzlanz
Happy New Year man! Don't forget to enjoy a little real-life when you can!
Zanzlanz (Updated )
Hey VicariousE!
I'm sure life'll hit me hard when I start college next year! Until then, I'd love to be in good standing; it'll raise my spirits and keep me coming back. But you're totally right! ;D
Happy 2014!