Hey super well done with this! You really stayed true to Alan's style. I guess it helps to learn from the legend himself! :)
Your animation was really well timed, and the ideas worked well together. You have the principals down pretty well, I think. In particular, I really loved your use of the subscriber count for the ammo, haha. That was awesome!
I also thought the audio was fine, mostly because that's how Alan's original videos sounded. It just made it fit that much better alongside the collection. Check your audio export settings in Flash though, because I think people would receive it better if at least the music was clear. No worries.
Anyway, if you practice more with blocking out animations (like the walk animation) and paid attention to fine details within the animation style, you'll be all set for your future projects and studies!
Keep up the awesome work! :D (As a side note, the link got me good - it's been a while haha!)